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The most advanced DNA visualization system in living cells


How are we differents?
No fixation, no extraction, no reagents, cost efficient.
Save time !

Breakthrough technology

Autonomous visualization of viral DNA replication or any kind of DNA in living cells

No false positive

Score only infectious particles (contrary to qPCR)


Quantitative and qualitative result

Easy to use, rapid

No extraction, no post processing, direct results, cost-efficient


Combination with classical staining techniques (ie.: immunofluorecence)


Can be applied to any dsDNA viruses in any cells or organism

Photo by Fusion Medical Animation - Unsplash

a new generation of autofluorescent system allowing the visualization of viral DNA in living cells

Modify virus and screen them through upcoming generations

Anchor™ technology

How it works

  1. The ANCH sequence: short (from 200NT to 1kb) and unique (non repetitive), the sequence contains nucleation seeds for the binding of OR proteins. Insertion of the sequence in the viral or cell genome does not perturb DNA metabolism or virus production.
  2. The OR-fluorescent protein expressing gene which specifically recognizes and spreads on the ANCH sequence, triggering the formation of a fluorescent spot easily detectable and quantifiable by microscopy (either classical or High Content). The strong accumulation of OR-FP protein onto its cognate ANCH sequence (up to 500 OR-FP/ANCH) is far enough to detect single DNA molecules. Therefore, fluorescent spot position corresponds to the position of a single DNA copy.

The ANCH sequence is cloned upstream of the Or-FP expressing gene and inserted directly inside the DNA of interest (plasmid, gene, transposon, virus, viral vector used in gene therapy or oncolytic products). This autonomous ANCHOR™ cassette will convert target DNA into an autofluorescent molecule. NeoVirTech can use up to four different ANCHOR™ systems, with different length and fused to their corresponding fluorescent proteins, that can be used in combinations to detect several class of DNA simultaneously. Using the ANCHOR™ technology, fitness studies visualizing co-infection of several viruses in real time are now possible.

We offer our technology for laboratory interested in studiyng DNA dynamics in living cells in a broad variety of organisms, from single cells to a full A Thaliana planta for exemple. We have a strong track record of the use of ANCHOR systems for different applications (see our track record).

Want to use the ANCHOR™ system ? follow the steps

Classical workflow
  • Access to the ANCHOR™ technology and transfer to customer’s R&D laboratory
  • Technical support and troubleshooting until completion of specific project.
  • Tag any kind of DNA in living cells
  • Combine ANCHOR™ tagged DNA with classical imaging techniques such as immunofluorescence
  • Generate high quality data using classical microscopy
  • Fees are requested for production / development / troubleshooting and maintenance of IP protection.
  • Several offers available, you can request a MTA here :
    • Discovery pack (trial version): one ANCHOR™ system. MTA duration: 6 months, restricted use of modifications. MTA fees: 1000€. Happy with the system ? Shift to complete pack for unlimited use and pay only the difference.
    • Complete pack: all available ANCHOR™ systems (4 constructs, several colors). unlimited use of modifications. MTA fees: 2000€
    • Advanced pack: Complete pack + one of our available autofluorescent virus. unlimited use of modifications and virus. MTA fees: 4000€

Imaging platform

High content imaging

NeoVirtech screening platform

Our viruses are especially suitable for high content screening campaign for the discovery of active compounds and measurement of disinfection processes. We offer several screening models for antiviral discovery in human and animal health as well as Biodefense applications. We also propose screening services using your own models (such as oncolytic or gene therapy products, cell lines) and our internal compound libraries (1200 FDA approved compounds). This service has proven to be efficient in the discovery of antiviral, vaccine adjuvant or oncolytic modulators (activator / inhibitor).



  • Drug discovery in human and animal health, Biodefense applications
  • Measurement of oncolytic product or gene therapy product activity on specific cell lines, virus fitness and transduction/replication capacities.
  • Interaction of oncolytic or gene therapy product with existing treatment, discovery of modulators.

High resolution imaging

Microscopy nikon

NeoVirTech performs high resolution imaging in living cells of your specific products to decipher its action. We have already developed custom ANCHOR™ viruses or viral vectors for specific application such as antiviral discovery, gene transfer studies, viral based vaccine development, oncolytic virotherapies and other broad applications, depending on customer’s interest. High resolution imaging provides tremendous assets for publications, communication and marketing activities.



  • Understand the behavior of a specific virus/vector / compound in development

  • Publish, illustrate and communicate on your product for investor /media/customers


Laboratory, up to BSL3

We have at our disposal different levels of laboratory containment depending on the class of virus used (exemple below):

  • Biological Safety Level 2: hCMV, Adenovirus, RSV
  • Biological Safety Level 2+: influenza, poxvirus
  • Biological Safety Level 3: SARS-CoV-2, highly pathogenous influenza

Our laboratory meets perfectly the recommendation for work in confinement laboratory and only trained personal has access to certain confinement levels. We ensure the safety of our personal and of the environnementenvironment.

Neovirtech BSL3
NeoVirtech labs

High Content Screening platform

2 pipetting robots for automatic library handling coupled with a CX7 Cell Insight screening microscope. Secured transfer to internal server (22To) displaying daily backup. We ensure the confidentiality and conservation of your datas.